Archive for November, 2008


Attractors & Quartz Composer

November 11, 2008

I’ve been playing a bit more with NodeBox the other day, trying to render Peter De Jong attractors. Something I already tried in my (unnamed) Editor with Ogre. Here is a video my first real-time experiment with Ogre (30FPS on a 3500+, don’t care about the GPU since the attractors iterations run on the CPU):

Actually I accelerated the video 3x the normal speed.

So, I tried to do it another way with NodeBox and I started from this little code (thanks btw) and made things animated and exported to a movie (things like this go very slow in real-time with this tool):

And then during a right click / Open with … I just remembered I had Quartz Composer. I had no idea how it works but this is actually the kind of tool I was looking for lately 🙂 Here are 2 quick tests I made from my previous B&W video:

A few simple image operators and blending patches and we’re done.
