
It’s alive!

August 27, 2012

It’s been more than 3 years since I posted anything, the blog has survived and has surprisingly grown in traffic (between 1500 and 2100 views per months [not unique] for a total of 63,220 views)! Not much but way more than I expected.

This is mostly due to the Photoshop math with GLSL shaders and Level control shader posts that are being linked quite a lot.

Those shaders are used in several cool projects including:

I’m opening my new website www.shazbits.com where I publish my new technical experiments. This blog is part of it and also accessible at blog.shazbits.com.

One comment

  1. Hello! Many thanks for interesting blog. I’ve been doing some experimental HLSL stuff myself too and your Levels Control Shader sounded very intriguing, but unfortunately I can’t seem to be able to access the updated HLSL code anymore. Is it still available somewhere?


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